Below is a list of books which I have either read and/or used in my work, and in the preparation of this portfolio.
Brown, Brene 2018 Dare to Lead Penguin Random House, London
Brown, Brene 2021 Atlas of the Heart, Vermilion, London
Cadden, C and Wiens, J 2017. The Ongo Book: Everyday Nonviolence, Baba Tree International, Jeffersonville.
Campbell-Ross, Dorset 2011 From Conflict to Connection, A 2 Day Foundation Training in Nonviolent Communication (NVC), unpublished.
Carl Rogers Client-Centrered Therapy: Its Current Practice, Implications and Theory
Elle, Shari 2019, Embodying NVC notes unpublished. The Communication Group, Sydney
Gendlin, Eugene Focusing Bantam New Age Books
Gill, R, Leu, L. & Morin, J 2009 NVC Toolkit for Facilitators. Freedom Project
Goleman, Daniel 1998 Working with Emotional Intelligence, Bloomsbury, London
Halliday, Michael A. K. 2003 'The Language of Early Childhood (1993)' in Webster (ed.), Collected Works of M.A.K. Halliday, Vol 4., Continuum, London
Kashtan, Inbal 2005 Parenting from Your Heart, Puddle Dancer Press, Encinitas
Kashtan, M 'The Gift of Self, The Art of Transparent Facilitation' in Sandy Schuman (ed) 2005, The IAF Handbook of Group Facilitation< Jossey Bass, pp 573-589
Larrson, Liv A Helping Hand, Mediation with Nonviolent Communication ISBN: 9789197667272
Larrson, Liv Anger, Guilt and Shame - Reclaiming Power and Choice ISBN: 9789197944281
Larrson, Liv Cracking the Communication Code ISBN: 9789187489310
Larrson, Liv Human Connection at Work; How to Use the Principles of Nonviolent Communication in a Professional Way ISBN: 9789187489563
Larrson, Liv Relationships, freedom without distance, connection without control ISBN: 9789197944205
Larrson, Liv Walk Your Talk; Tools and Theories To Share Nonviolent Communication ISBN: 9789187489709
Leu, L 2015 Nonviolent Communication Companion Workbook 2nd ed. Puddle Dancer Press
Levine, Amir and Heller, Rachel 2010 Attached, Penguin, London
Manske, Jim, Pathways to Nonviolent Communication, a tool for Navigating Your Journey, ISBN 978-1-9-34336-40-3
Miyashiro, Marie The Empathy Factor, Your Competitive Advantage for Personal, Team, and Business Success, Puddle Dancer Press, Encinitas ISBN 978-1-892005-25-0
Peyton, Sarah 2017 Your Resonant Self Workbook, From Self-sabotage to Self-care, ISBN 978-0-0393-71464-7
Peyton, Sarah 2017 Your Resonant Self, Guided meditations and exercise to engage your brain's capacity for healing, ISBN 978-0-0393-71224-7
Rosenberg, M 2015 Nonviolent Communication, A Langauge of Life 3rd ed. Puddle Dancer Press
Rosenberg, M Getting Past the Pain Between us, Puddle Dancer Press, Encinitas ISBN 978-1-892005-07-6
Rosenberg, M Loving Me, Loving You, ISBN 978-1-892005-16-8
Rosenberg, M Practical Spirituality, Puddle Dancer Press, Encinitas ISBN 978-1-892005-14-4
Rosenberg, M Relationships, Puddle Dancer Press, Encinitas ISBN 978-1-892005-07-6
Rosenberg, M The Heart of Social Change, Puddle Dancer Press, Encinitas ISBN 1-892005-10-7
Rosenberg, M The Surprising Purpose of Anger, Puddle Dancer Press, Encinitas ISBN 978-1-892005-15-1
Rosenberg, Marshall 2003 Life-Enriching Education Puddle Dancer Press, Encinitas
Rock, David 2009 Your Brain at Work, Strategies for overcoming distraction, regaining focus, and working smarter all day long, Harper Collins, New York.
Schwartz R. C. Introduction to Internal Family systems
Scott, Susan 2002 Fierce Conversation, Achieving Success at Work and in Life, One Conversation at a time. Piatkus, London
Sofer, Oren Jay 2018, Say what you mean, a mindful approach to nonviolent communication, Shambhala Press, Boulder
Sofer, Oren Jay 2020, Wise Speech, The Foundations of Mindful Communication Workbook, Unpublished.
van Der Kolk, Bessel 2014 The Body Keeps the Score Penguin Random House, London ISBN 9780141978611