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Connecting Through Talk – BRINGING IT ALL TOGETHER



—  Listen to hear

—  Speak to be understood

—  Empower your voice within

Connecting Through Talk – BRINGING IT ALL TOGETHER practices the three modes of the language of compassion framework: self connection, honest self-expression and empathic listening.  These modes of communication provide a means to communicate in the best way to connect with another person, honouring and holding their needs and ours in mutual regard. It is a judgement and blame free process of communication to assist you in improving the quality of your relationships with family, friends and colleagues.

Upon successful completion of the course, you will have an opportunity to receive personalised feedback by purchasing the Certificate of Completion.



Starts Monday 03 August 2020.

The course is approximately 5 hours of study time.

You can study anywhere, anytime within the 3 months from enrolling. 


Online via Open Learning, using interactive engagement in a social learning community.


AU$60 to enrol

AU$30 to certify and receive personalised feedback


Elizabeth Thomson

Course Outcomes

At the end of this course, you will be able to

  • demonstrate the framework of compassionate communication in interaction

  • express responsive observations, feelings, needs and requests

  • listen empathically to yourself

  • express yourself honestly to others without judgement

  • listen to others empathically

Composed of the following five modules:

1. What the three modes are

In this module, we revise the contents of Courses 1 & 2, particularly the framework of compassionate talk and OFNR.  We are introduced to the three modes of compassionate talk: Self connection, Honest self-expression and Listening empathically.  Examples of these three modes are modelled. 

2. How we know what we need

In Module 2 we explore the mode of Self Connection, specifically self-empathy.  We begin with an explanation of what it is and consider a model which is deconstructed to reveal the five steps involved.   We then express self empathy by using the four ingredients of the framework according to the steps. We discover our needs through our feelings and make requests of ourselves for action or connection.   

3. How we express ourselves with honesty

In Module 3 we explore the mode of Honest Self-expression.  We begin with an explanation of what it is and consider a model which is deconstructed to reveal the language features involved.   We then express ourselves honestly to others by using the four ingredients of the framework in a clean, everyday manner. We discover how to express our needs and make requests heartfelt without resentment, judgement or blame to have our needs met.   

4: How we listen to others empathically

In Module 4 we explore the mode of Empathic listening.  We begin with an explanation of what it is and consider a model which is deconstructed to reveal the language and extralinguistic features involved.   We then practice empathic listening to others by reflecting back what we hear using the framework of the four ingredients. We discover the art of 'being with a person' as they share their feelings, needs and requests from their heart.   

5: How we connect through talk

In Module 5 we bring it all together.  The three modes are demonstrated and practiced through a scaffolded composition of a compassionate dialogue.  We understand and experience the positive energy of using language responsively, the attunement to the feelings and needs of ourselves and others and the motivations underlying requests of ourselves and others.  In this way we connect compassionately through mutual understanding and the beauty of needs met.   

9 July

Free TASTER course: Connecting Through Talk –INTRODUCTION

18 August

Practice Group in Compassionate Communication