Participant feedback on my teaching

Typically, when I teach Foundation Training, I seek feedback through evaluation forms. In addition, I find I also receive unsolicited feedback from participants, feedback which makes my heart sing. Here is a text that I received out of blue about five months after an online Foundation Training.

Hello Elizabeth, I hope you’re well and looking forward to upcoming holidays! I wanted to circle back to you on the “Poisoned carrot” article you shared during our NVC course. I’d forever been an ‘over praiser’ of Percy and used things like reward charts to correct his behaviour by earning rewards for repeating good patterns. Ben and I have totally adjusted our approach with how we parent, like we now are asking Percy questions about what he enjoyed about said achievement and what did he like about it or telling him that we’re proud to see he had put in effort with something (paintings/awards at school) rather than just praise praise praise, telling him how good he is. We also no longer do reward charts. Instead, we focus on gratitude. If I notice something like he got ready for school really quickly without mucking around, I’ll sincerely thank him (using OFN method) and show him how much I appreciate his action. If it is something that I REALLY appreciate, I’ll buy him a small gift and a thank you card, showing my gratitude thereby rewarding him without him needing to earn. SO fascinating. Can’t wait for next baby to come so we can do all this from the start! 10 weeks to go.

I have linked feedback from participants under the various course type headings. The feedback has been collected in spreadsheets, as handwritten forms and as Word files. Below are some examples.

Introduction to NVC

The feedback was collected via an online form which was collapsed into a spreadsheet. Here is the spreadsheet of the volunteer feedback for the 2hr session on 22 Oct, 2020. I’ve reproduced one of the excerpts below.

Here is some feedback from the online evaluation form.

I’m taking away how to communicate from a heart centred space to encourage understanding and connection with others but firstly ourselves. How to observe situations as opposed to evaluating and judging them which relies on our perceptions. How to listen out for others feelings and needs in conversations. While also listening out and identifying our own. I have nothing really by way of improvements - it was all great. I loved the way it ran and flowed. I loved the group work, the examples used to help us to understand the techniques. Elizabeth is a great host and I appreciated her participation and support throughout the course. And with Alex It’s such a pleasure to learn NVC from a facilitator who is so passionate about the technique. So glad I did the course with you both. by female naturopath.

Foundation Training: Face to Face

Rebecca, Paul, Sue, Anne, Leonie, Clare, Elizabeth (Bib), Gaby, Eloise, Anonymous #1, Anonymous #2

Foundation Training: Online

Here is the spreadsheet of volunteer feedback for the online Foundation Training. In addition here are two additional pieces of feedback which were received most recently.

Karen O’Neil, Kim Paesch, Amanda

C2C Practice Group

At this stage, I haven’t asked for feedback from this group. Anecdotal feedback indicates that the format needs changing. I will attend to this in the second half of 2023.

Shoalhaven Practice Group

At this stage I haven’t asked for feedback from this group. I have however received feedback from NVC community is the section above.

Bespoke course: Empathy Workshop at Macquarie Uni

Beili, Jing, Yan, Yulia, Ken, Shiwei, Penny

Bespoke course: Agrifutures NVC Communication Workshop

The feedback was collected via an online form which was collapsed into a spreadsheet. Here is the spreadsheet of the volunteer feedback for the 50 min session and the half day session.


CT/NVC Colleague’s feedback on my teaching


Video recordings